Time flies by..
Itu adalah kata-kata yang muncul ketika kita sudah mencapai suatu waktu yang kita rasa sudah menuju akhir but that's just what i feel. Semisal waktu mau lulus dari SD trus SMP apalagi pas mau lulus SMA, and now i'm placed in the last year of my college days. It's already my fourth year in college, time really just flies by. I'm counting months..days..hours..minutes to seconds in this last semester, because for me i'm struggling and i'm trying my best in writing my essay (skripsi) so i can graduate on time with a great and satisfying result. Who doesn't want to have a satisfying result right?And i absolutely want to be Raih Putik S.Kom :D
Keadaan dan perasaanya selalu sama ketika kita juga memulai sesuatu yang baru, memulai beradaptasi ke lingkungan baru dan lingkungan belajar yang baru. Tentunya lingkungan belajar dan social life dari SD -> SMP ->SMA -> Kuliah itu berbeda. Semakin lama kita dilatih untuk semakin mandiri, because we're growing. We always hope that we can grow into a person that we're satisfied off and ofcourse satisfyinfg for our parents also and be a good person for our surroundings and grow into a better person from time to time. I want to be a better person, first for myself then for my parents and next for my friends and surroundings. I don't want to stay in this same position for a longtime, growing would be better. Trying new and fun things would be great and it would be greater if i have the courage to try those new things.
Friendship is the common thing that we will get everytime we go through times that pasts. It has been 21 years and soon to be 22 years i've been born. And Alhamdulillah i have many friends that i tend not to forget and won't ever forget. Those so called memories are times that we fill with so many fun things, crazy things, sad things, and happy things too. The past we've been trough became our precious memories memories that we will always remember later on in the future. It will be the most common talks and conversation topics that will be brought up when we have reunions, gatherings and that kind of things.
I feel lucky to have been excepted in Computer Science in 2009 and have this friends. Teman-teman yang tergabung dalam CS'09, kami kompak dan kocak dan erat. At first i thought i won't get this kind of friends in college but that wasn't right at all. I got it and i'm happy, Sappy actually and lucky. Stories we've been building and adding in this 4 years soon to be, will be our memories.
Today's writings came to me, to my head because of a video. This video made me think of many things my friends and what i have been trough. Things that became my personal memories. This video made me wanting to write this today. A video that made a friend cry and most of us touched. It makes me feel sad and happy at the same time. Thanks to the people behind it, my friends. It became a great video to download and watched several times.
"This is it, proudly present CS'09 with the theme FRIENDSHIP..."
Thank you CS'09, i'm gonna miss this...
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